Practicum Reports
Prepared to fulfill duties of Ecology course
Lectured by Mr. Dr.Hadi Suwono, M.Sc. and
Mrs. Dr.Vivi Novianti, S.Si, M.Si.
Offering A/ group 2
Aushofusy Syarifa Agustin 150341606815
Purwaning Rohmah 150341600847
Ruri Indarti 150341600730
Shela Emilia Permatasari 150341603981
April 2017
1.1 Background
Every living creature of exposure to various abiotic
environmental factors are always dynamic in both the scale of space and time.
Therefore, every living creature must be able to adapt
to face the abiotic environmental factors. However,
animals can not live in the range of abiotic factors widest. In principle, each animal has a specific range of tolerance
against abiotic environmental factors. This is
stated in Shelford Tolerance Law which states that every organism has a minimum
and maximum ecological, which is the lower limit and the upper limit of the
tolerance range of the organism to the conditions of environmental factors.
Genetically determined tolerance range, but can be changed by
the process of acclimatization (in nature) and acclimation (in the laboratory).
Acclimatization is an attempt by humans to adjust
the condition of environmental factors in the new artificial habitat. Acclimation is human efforts to adjust the conditions
of the animals against certain environmental factors in the laboratory.
Therefore, to determine the tolerance range or limit the
effects of environmental factors on the survival of living beings and determine
what temperature range is most preferred by these individuals it is necessary
to preferendum observation.
1.2 Problem Formulation
1. How is the limiting factor and temperature tolerance
range against individuals based on the phase distribution of live fish
(juvenile, gravid and non-gravid)?
2. How fish preferendum temperature
3. How the relation between influence acclimation to
limiting effect and preferendum ?
1.3 Hypotheses
The limiting factor is temperature
The acclimation temperature and the life
stage of fish can influence the fish’s preference of temperature
There is least influence acclimation to
limiting effect dan preferendum
1.4 Purpose
the limiting factor and temperature tolerance range against individuals based
on the phase distribution of live fish (juvenile, gravid and non-gravid).
the fish preferendum temperature conditions.
whether there is influence acclimation to the effects of the restrictive and
1.5 Benefits
determine the limiting factors and the range of temperature tolerance against individuals
based on the phase distribution of live fish (juvenile, gravid and non-gravid).
determine the temperature conditions preferendum fish.
determine the effect of acclimation to the effects of restricting and
1.6 Operational Definition
Acclimatization is a man
committed to adjust animals on the condition of environmental factors in the
new artificial habitat.
Acclimation is human efforts to
adjust the conditions of the animals against certain environmental factors in
the laboratory.
Preferendum is the favorite animal of the specific environmental conditions.
Juvenile fish are larval stages.
Gravid fish are at the stage of pregnancy (carrying eggs in their stomachs).
gravid. Non gravid fish at this stage is not pregnant.
2.1 Gatul Fish (Poecilia
Gatul (Poecilia reticulata), also known as millionsfish, is one of the most
popular freshwater fish in the world. This fish is a small part of the family
Poecilidae (female fish length of 4-6 cm, male 2,5- 3,5 cm) and like all
members of his family, these fish reproduce by giving birth. This fish in the
local language klataw (Agbayani, 2007).
Poecillia reticulata is a species of fish are able to live
and adapt in a place that has been contaminated (dirty). Moreover, in India,
Poecillia reticulate an effective biocontrol for the development of mosquito, Culex quinquefasciatus Mass. Gatul fish
(Poecillia reticulata are predators
of mosquitoes in dirty places (eg sewers) because the waste can kill mosquito
larvae (Djamal,1992).
Gatul male fish has characteristics slender body with a
relatively small size and length. There are a little red. In the male fish are
modified anal fin and pelvic fins that serve to deliver sperm into the female's
body. While on the female fish, larger body size with a relatively short size
and a darker color (Krohne, 1997).
2.2 Fish’s Preferences
Adaptation is an individual's ability to cope with the
environment and use natural resources more to survive in niches occupied
(Afzalani, 2010). Every organism has the nature of adaptation to life in a wide
range of environmental conditions. There is some kind of adaptation, namely adaptation
morphological, physiological adaptation, and adaptation behavior.
Environmental factors are any factors that affect the life
of an organism in its development process. Factors generally divided into
factors that are physical and biological. Abiotic factors such as land, air,
space, stick to the medium where the animals, weather, climate and temperature.
While biotic factors, among others, plants and microbes that are around the
animal (Sukarsono, 2012).
Temperature is a measure of molecular movement energy. Temperature
is one factor that is important in regulating the process of life and spread of
the organism. Vital life processes that are collectively called metabolism,
dala serves only a relatively narrow temperature range is usually between 0-40 0
C (Star, 2013).
Fish that have a great tolerance to temperature changes are
called euritermik. Conversely there is also a small tolerance, called to be
stenotermik. For example, fish in the sub-tropics and the poles were able to
tolerate low temperatures, while fish in the tropics like warm temperatures. The
optimum temperature required by the fish for growth.
Preference or favorite animals to environmental conditions
or certain foods is different in each organism. It is influenced by many
factors such as tolerance and adaptation to the environment. This is useful for
maintenance or cultivation of certain animals to determine environmental and
food preferences.
Spreading the animal species affected by environmental
conditions, both biotic factors and abiotiknya. Abiotic factors such as
temperature, climate, topography, the chemicals in the environment. Therefore,
the environment greatly affects the tendency of certain species to better
occupy the optimum environment for survival (Simanjuntak, 2009).
1.1 Location
Research is housed at the Laboratory
of Ecology, Department of Biology, State University of Malang.
1.2 Time
of this experiment takes place on Wednesday, 1 March 2017 and Thursday, 2 March
1.3 Equipment and Materials
The equipment required in this study
include the aquarium, thermometer temperature, compartment, beaker glass, stove
methylated, small nets, aerators, water pump, stones and hoses, water bath,
chiller, lap desks, mop, measuring cups, buckets, cable and a plastic spoon.
While the materials needed are gatul
fish (Poecilia reticulata) juvenile phase, non-gravid and gravid as many
as 250 tigers respectively. In addition, it needed a little ice cubes, plastic
bags, and lighters.
1.4 Methods
Perform Preparing
the bath water, chiller and aquariums.
2. Pours water into water baths and
chiler using buckets.
3. Clearing the table from spills of
water using a desk mop and floor from water spills using floor cloth.
4. Turning on the water bhat carefully
so as not surge.
5. Set the temperature of water bath at
30 ° C .
6. Set the temperature of Chiler at 20 °
7. Provide aeration using aerator.
8. Entering fish (one kind) thereto not
more than 100 individuals.
9. Inserting other types of fish to another
10. Closing the tank using a wire gauze.
11. Controlling the fish every morning
and throw dead fish with nets and then put in a plastic bag.
4.3.2 Treatment
1. Laying compartment as flat as
possible on the table.
2. Taking thermometer and tie the middle
using a rubber band.
3. Fill water filled pond experiment
that has been conditioned with gendapan pen overnight as high as 3-4 cm (or
measured with a measuring cup).
4. Insert the thermometer into the
compartment aperture set to the same height and do not touch the compartment.
5. Laying the spirit lamp compartment
below the right part.
6. Turn on the lights methylated using
matchsticks set the height of the flame to touch the base of the compartment
and maintains the temperature so as not to exceed 35 ° C.
7. Taking a bucket of ice cubes using
frezer then put two pieces on the other (which is not affected by the fire)
8. Drying the wet table using a lap
9. Viewing thermometer to occur
gradation temperature and record the temperature of each thermometer.
10. Took 10 grafid of aquarium fish
using nets and then inserted into the middle compartment.
11. Wait 5-10 minutes and endeavored not
move much so that the fish are not scared and move.
12. Viewing every 5 minutes to 15
13. Noting the observations in the table
has been provided.
14. Repeating step No. 7 - No. 12 as
much as 3 repetitions using different fish grafid.
15. Repeating step No. 7 - No. 13 as
much as 3 repetitions using non grafid and juvenile fish.
4.1 Data
Temperature of
Aclimation: 20oC
The Fish Quantity At 5 Minutes After
The Fish Quantity At 10 Minutes After Treatment
The Fish Quantity At 15 Minutes After Treatment
of Aclimation: 25oC
The Fish Quantity At 5 Minutes After Treatment
The Fish Quantity At 10 Minutes After Treatment
The Fish Quantity At 15 Minutes After Treatment
Temperature of Acclimation: 30oC
The Fish Quantity At 5 Minutes After
The Fish Quantity At 10 Minutes After Treatment
The Fish Quantity At 15 Minutes After Treatment
4.2 Analyze
Acclimation in fish Poecilia reticulata with local
names gatul, performed with three variations of temperature, 20ºC, 25ºC, and
30ºC. Acclimation temperature of 20ºC is the treatment of fish to cold
temperatures, whereas in warmer temperatures 30ºC and given normal treatment
temperature to normal temperature as well as the ambient temperature is 25ºC.
Acclimation is done during the first day, it is to get the fish to the
treatment temperature. After the treatment the fish acclimation has been
familiarized with certain temperature and then do preferendum fatherly see a
tendency toward a preferred temperature or the right temperature for the fish
gatul. In preferendum fish gatul distinguished three phases which juvenile or
small fish, gravid phase or adult fish during the reproductive and non-gravid
phase or adult fish but do not initiate reproduction. Preferendum treatment is
done with a long time of 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 15 minutes with repeat 3
times to minimize errors and resulting relationships acclimation
temperature and temperature preferendum in each phase of the development of the
4.2.1 Acclimation temperature of 20 º C
for 5 Minutes
acclimation temperature of 20ºC or cool for 5 minutes mostly fish prefers the
central part of the compartment is at a temperature of 20s ° C but the fish hanging
out with phase gravid prefers the colder temperatures, 50% of the fish gathered
at a temperature of 21ºC as many as 5 individuals while in temperature 22ºC,
there are no fish and at a temperature of 23ºC found only one of the tail, ie
the gravid phase and at a temperature of 24ºC instead found only 2 fish with
non-gravid phase. The third phase of the fish at the same time can be found at
a temperature of 25ºC with gravid phase as many as three tails, non-gravid
phase 2 tails and fish with juvenile phase there is only one tail. Meanwhile,
at a temperature of 26ºC only found fish with non-gravid phase 3 tail number.
The third phase of the fish at the same time can also be found at a temperature
of 27ºC with the highest number of phases juvenit, 4 heads, in the non-gravid
phase as many as three tails, and the gravid phase found only one tail only.
Phase juvenile fish for 5 minutes at a temperature of 28ºC dominate as much as
4 heads and another phase it is not found at a temperature of 28ºC. At a temperature
of 29ºC, 30ºC and 31ºC did not find fish in any phase.
In acclimation temperature of 20ºC or cold for 10 minutes
most of the fish prefers the central part of the compartment is at a
temperature of 20s ° C but the fish hanging out with phase gravid still prefers
the colder temperatures, over 50% of the fish gathered at a temperature of 21ºC
as many as 6 tails and only found juvenile phase 1 ikansaja tail, whereas at
22ºC temperature did not find any fish and at a temperature of 23ºC found only
one of the tail, or the stage gravid. At a temperature of 24ºC instead found
only 2 fish with non-gravid phase. Meanwhile, at a temperature of 25ºC only
found fish with non-gravid phase 3 tail number. The third phase of the fish at
the same time can be found at a temperature of 26ºC with gravid phase 1 tail,
non-gravid phase 3 tails and fish with juvenile phase 2 tails. At a temperature
of 27ºC number of juvenile phase with only one tail non-gravid phase 2 tails.
Phase juvenile fish dominate for 10 minutes at a temperature of 28ºC as much as
6 tails and other phases it is not found at a temperature of 28ºC. At a
temperature of 29ºC was discovered first phase of gravid fish but the 30ºC and
31ºC had not found the fish in any phase.
for 15 Minute
The general pattern of the acclimation temperature of 20ºC
or cold for 15 minutes more spesik winnowing phase where gravid fish prefers
the colder temperatures, the fish with the phase of non-gravid prefer pa. da
nomal temperature and more juvenile phase nenyukai ika warmer temperatures.
Fish gatul with gravid phase came together at a temperature of 21ºC as many as
four tails, at a temperature of 22ºC found gravid phase 2 tails and each 1 tail
spread at a temperature of 23ºC, 24ºC, 26ºC, and at a temperature of 28 ºC.
While the fish with non-gravid phase more myenangi normal room temperature is
sebanya two tails at 24 ºC, 3 heads at 25ºC, 3 tails at a temperature of 26ºC
and at a temperature of 27ºC found senayak 2 fish. Fish with a dominant
juvenile phase at a temperature of 28ºC and 29ºC respectively of 4 individuals
and 2 others tesebar each still 1 at colder temperatures are 21ºC and 25ºC.
Acclimation temperature of 25º C
for 5 Minute
a temperature of 25ºC or acclimation temperature for 5 minutes Ruan looks more
even results preferendum more spesik phase where gravid fish prefers the colder
temperatures, the fish with the phase of non-gravid prefer pa. da nomal
temperature and more juvenile phase nenyukai ika warmer temperatures. Fish
gatul with gravid phase came together at a temperature of 21ºC as many as four
tails, at a temperature of 22ºC found gravid phase 2 tails and each 1 tail
spread at a temperature of 23ºC, 24ºC, 26ºC, and at a temperature of 28 ºC.
While the fish with non-gravid phase more myenangi normal room temperature is
sebanya two tails at 24 ºC, 3 heads at 25ºC, 3 tails at a temperature of 26ºC
and at a temperature of 27ºC found senayak 2 fish. Fish with a dominant
juvenile phase at a temperature of 28ºC and 29ºC respectively of 4 individuals
and 2 others tesebar each still 1 at colder temperatures are 21ºC and 25ºC.
for 10 Minute
In acclimation temperature of 25ºC or temperature Ruan for
10 minutes seemed to result preferendum where fish phase of gravid more evenly
distributed at room temperatures and warmer, while fish with a phase of
non-gravid more spread good pda cooler temperatures and warmer and the fish
phase also more liked normal temperatures and warmer than the cold. Fish gatul
with more collected gravid phase at a temperature of 25ºC as much as 2 heads, 2
tails temperature of 26ºC and at a temperature of 27ºC increases the number of
fish that are found there are 3 1 fish. Meanwhile, at a temperature of 29ºC
only 1 phase gravid fish and at temperatures above 30ºC and 31ºC had not found
fish gravid phase. as many as four tails, at a temperature of 22ºC found gravid
phase as much. While the fish with non-gravid phase can be found spread in
warmer temperatures are 27ºC there are two tails, at a temperature of 28ºC,
29ºC and 30ºC respectively found only one tail. Besides fish phase of
non-gravid can also be found in colder temperatures, namely at a temperature of
21ºC is 1 fish and at a temperature of 22ºC found two fish, while at a
temperature of 23 was not found fish any phase and at 24ºC rediscovered fish
phase of non-gravid 2 tails. Fish with juvenile phase can be found at cold
temperatures are 21ºC there is only one tail only sedagkan at a temperature of
22ºC, 23ºC and 24ºC did not reveal any phase of juvenile fish. At a temperature
of 25ºC and 26ºC started to find juvenile fish each phase 2 tails and at a
temperature of 27ºC and 28ºC also did not reveal any phase of juvenile fish.
Then, at a temperature of 29ºC found fish juvenile phase 2 tails and 1 head at
30ºC. While the temperature above 31ºC are no fish to be found in any phase.
for 15 Minute
In preferendum for 15 minutes of
acclimation phase 25ºC Number of juvenile fish amounted to only nine tails,
fish juvenile phase is getting more common in the cold side of the compartment
that is found to 7 mice at a temperature of 21ºC and two tails at a temperature
of 22ºC. whereas fish with non-gravid phase prefers warmer temperatures are one
tail at a temperature of 26ºC and most commonly found in 27ºC temperatures as
much as 4 tails. While the non-gravid fish more ang tesebar one tail at a
temperature of 28ºC and two tails at a temperature of 29ºC. In the phase of
gravid fish instead looked more even at a temperature of 23ºC, 24ºC, and 25ºC
respectively 1 tail. Then there are three phases of gravid fish at a
temperature of 26ºC and decreased the number becomes 2 tails and 1 head
respectively at a temperature of 27ºC and 28ºC, up to the temperature of 29ºC
remained one tail, and above the temperature tersubt fish had not found any
4.2.3 Acclimation
temperature of 30 º C
for 5 Minute
In acclimation warmer temperatures are 30ºC then preferendum
show fare juveil fish with tails are a number 3 at a temperature of 21ºC and 2
fish at a temperature of 22ºC, then the spread of juvenile fish that are in the
phase of warmer temperatures are 29ºC temperature some 5 tails. While the fish
with a phase of non-gravid more spread at normal temperature, at a temperature of 23ºC
found only one tail and then as many as 4 heads, 3 heads and one tails
successively occupy temperature 24ºC, 25ºC, and 26ºC, above these temperatures not
found fish with non-gravid phase. While the fish with the phase gravid just
spread at warmer temperatures are straight in suhu25ºC, 25ºC, 26ºC, 27ºC, 28ºC, 29ºC and
30ºC as 1tails, 2 tails, 1 head, 3 heads, one head and two tails. While at a
temperature of 31ºC not found any fish at all phases of fish gatul.
for 10 Minute
In acclimation 30ºC for 10 minutes preferendum results
indicate the presence of specific condition each phase. Juvenile phase more
clusters at colder temperatures, namely at a temperature of 21ºC 90% or as much
as 9 tails and at a temperature of 22 ºC there is only one phase of juvenile
fish. While at normal temperatures dominated by non-gravid phase occupying the
compartment with a temperature of 24ºC, 25ºC, 26ºC, 27ºC and 28ºC by the number
of fish that are found in a row as much as 2 heads, 3 heads, 3 heads, two tails
and one tail. At warmer temperatures between 27ºC to 30ºC occupied by fish
gravid phase in which one tail at a temperature of 27ºC, 4 heads at 28ºC, two
tails at 29ºC at 30ºC can be found 3 phase gravid fish. While at a temperature
of 31ºC did not reveal any presence of fish.
for 15 Minute
During the 15-minute treatment with the fish preferendum acclimation
treatment over 30ºC indicates a certain
temperature specifications in each phase gatul fish. At colder temperatures juvenile phase dominates at 21ºC temperature
of 7 animals and 2 tails the other is at a temperature of 22ºC. While at normal
room temperature is 25ºC, 26ºC, and 27ºC respectively are 4 heads, 4 heads and
one tails that are exclusively fish gatul on non-gravid phase. Fish with more
gravid phase gathered at a temperature of 28ºC 2 tails, at a temperature of
29ºC for 3 tails and at 30ºC found a number of phases 5 gatul gravid fish,
while at a temperature above that temperature is 31ºC there is no single fish.
4.3 Discussion
4.3.1 Acclimation temperature at 200C
due 5 minutes
On this preference is used 3 types of gravid fish phase , non
gravid and juvenil. When the
first 5 minutes obtained results more gravid fish were cold
areas i.e. 20°C to 21°C, this is because the fish have been at acclimation in cold
temperatures before so that the fish have
been accustomed to at
other things though, the jug on
a fish karena phase has a
high sensitivity gravid against temperature so that the fish will adjust the temperature with optimal temperatures have been made on aklimasi for a day of it: with a temperature of 20 °
c. On phase juvenil and non
gravid fish were more pleased at the middle of the compartment that is 27 ° c,
because at the time of juvenil fish being able to adapt quickly and easily on
the temperature-the temperature of tertenru, it is with regard to the capability
and range the fish’s termoregulation.
due 10 minutes
On preferandum for 10
minutes obtained results not much different, but here the fish from different phases tend to choose and to low temperature
in the temperature range is 21 ° c to 26 ° c, as evidenced by the gravid fish
were originally five fish that are on the verge of bottom fish into 6
compartments . such things can happen because the fish has
undergone acclimation with a relatively low temperature, so that when placed in the disc compartment will then tend to select lower temperature.
due 15 minutes
On the preferences for 15
minutes the results obtained vary, i.e. fish gravid at
a temperature of 21 ° c to 28 °
c, non gravid fish 24 ° c to 27 ° c, and
fish juvenil 21 ° c to 29 °
c. Range so far this is relative because the
fish is placed in the compartment began to get used
to its optimum temperature, so that the fish from different
phases it has had its
own optimal temperature. But most of the fish are indeed the
most are still at a relatively low temperature (cold), because these fish have
been given treatment acclimation with low
temperature, but at the moment it is put into the compartment of the fish have
started to do variations and test the temperature of the body's physiological
tolerance against thermoregulasi. But,the fish results obtained tetpa juvenil thermoregulasi range have the
In this practical
work, errors may occur, i.e. on the tendency of praktikan release
the fish into the disc compartment on
side in particular, or because of movement and sound environment of fish in a compartment Between the animal and its surroundings there are reciprocal relationships that influence
each other. Not just a great course environment influence about animals success for a living,
and depression, but rather, the environment may
be changed due to the presence and impact of the
activities of animal’s life. Environmental
factors that could give animal welfare dan changes of condition occurs on several environmental
factors alone. Environmental
factor like this is what was then known as the environment for animal resources (Sukarsono, 2012).
In addition, the
temperature is also very important for the life of the
organism in the water, because the
temperature affects both the activity as well as the breeding of organisme tersebut. Therefore,
it is no wonder if encountered various jenis ikan contained in various places in the
world to have a certain tolerance against temperature (Burnie,
2005). There are several species of fish that has tolerance to temperature
changes, called euryterm, are on the contrary there is
also that little toleration , are called stenoterm (Sumarwoto, 2001).
temperature at 250C
On acclimation temperature 25ºC or
room temperature for 5 minutes shows preferendum result where gravid fish phase
more diepersed at room temperature that is between 24-26ºC which most fish are
at the temperature 24ºC, non-gravid fish phase more spreads in cold, room
(intermediate), and warm temperature, while juvenile fish phase more spread on
the temperature range 21-25ºC where the most fish were gathered on the
temperature 23ºC.
At the time 10 minutes, the
preferendum results shows that gravid fish phase is more dispersed evenly at
room and warm temperature, while fish with phase non-gravid more nicely spread
at many temperature, that are colder and warmer and juvenile fish phase also
prefer normal temperatures and more warmer that on cold temperature.
At the time 15 minutes, the
preferensum results shows that gravid fish phase prefer to be in the
temperature range 23-29ºC where the most prefer at temperature 26ºC, non-gravid
fish phase prefers warm temperature namely the range 26-29ºC where the most
prefer at temperature 27ºC , and juvenile fish phase prefer at cold temperature
that was between temperature 21-22ºC.
According to Yonandre (2010),
gathul fish can live naturally in the cold water temperatures that is 22,5ºC,
and hot environment which has temperature between 30ºC. Commonly, gathul fish can live in water which has
temperature between 20-30ºC. From the results of acclimation at temperature 25ºC,
it is obviously shows that gravid fish phase has a little temperature range.
They mostly prefer in the range of room temperature. Since they are in
pregnancy phase, they have less adaptation ability so thet’s why they prefer
preferendum in which has similar temperature with its acclimation (25ºC).
Non-gravid fish phase has large enough temperature range. They can spread in
warmer, room, or colder temperature that its acclimation temperature which at
25ºC. They are in the adult phase which have good adaptation and good
metabolism , that’s why they could spread in wide range of temperature.
Juvenile fish phase has a little temperature range that is in the cold-room
temperature. This condition suits them because they are still at kid phase
which has fragile body and weak metabolism. They still learning on how to adapt
with environment and warmer place did not suits them because it affects in
their metabolism.
temperature at 300C
discussion in this lab samples used are guppies because these fish have a
relatively small body size, cold-blooded, their movements are easily observed,
as well as easy to regulate the temperature of its environment. These fish are
small ornamental fish species that are easily found in the market. Preferences
temperature involves many physiological functions in maintaining homeostasis,
with homeostasis as a self-regulatory mechanism to keep going on the stability
of the internal environment in response to external environmental conditions
that can be changed.
in fish Poecilia reticulate with
local names gatul in warmer temperatures given 30ºC After the treatment the
fish acclimation has been familiarized with certain temperature and then do
preferendum fatherly see a tendency toward a preferred temperature or the right
temperature for the fish gatul. In preferendum fish gatul distinguished three
phases which juvenile or small fish, gravid phase or adult fish during the
reproductive and non-gravid phase or adult fish but do not initiate reproduction
Preferendum for 5 Minutes
In acclimation warm temperature is 30ºC then preferendum show fare juvenil fish with tails are a number 3 at a temperature of 21ºC and two tails at a temperature of 22ºC, then the spread of juvenile fish that are in the phase of warmer temperatures are 29ºC temperature some 5 tails. While the fish with a phase of non-gravid more spread at normal temperature, at a temperature of 23ºC found only one tail and then as many as 4 heads, 3 heads and one tails successively occupy temperature 24ºC, 25ºC, and 26ºC, above these temperatures suda not found fish with non-gravid phase. While the fish with the phase gravid just spread at warmer temperatures are straight-turu in suhu25ºC, 25ºC, 26ºC, 27ºC, 28ºC, 29ºC and 30ºC as 1, 2 tails, 1 head, 3 heads, one head and two tails. While at temperature of 31ºC no one of all gatul fish’s phase was found. Preferendum for 10 Minutes in acclimation 30ºC for 10 minutes preferendum results indicate the specific conditions of each Fasse. Juvenile phase more clusters at colder temperatures, namely at a temperature of 21ºC 90% or as much as 9 tails and at a temperature of 22 ºC there is only one phase of juvenile fish. While at normal temperatures dominated by non-gravid phase occupying the compartment with a temperature of 24ºC, 25ºC, 26ºC, 27ºC and 28ºC by the number of fish that are found in a row as much as 2 heads, 3 heads, 3 heads, two tails and one tail. At warmer temperatures between 27ºC to 30ºC occupied by fish gravid phase in which one tail at a temperature of 27ºC, 4 heads at 28ºC, two tails at 29ºC at 30ºC can be found 3 phase gravid fish. While at a temperature of 31ºC did not reveal any presence of fish.Preferendum for 15 Minutes during the 15-minute treatment with the fish preferendum treatment over 30ºC indicates a certain temperature specifications in each phase gatul fish.
In acclimation warm temperature is 30ºC then preferendum show fare juvenil fish with tails are a number 3 at a temperature of 21ºC and two tails at a temperature of 22ºC, then the spread of juvenile fish that are in the phase of warmer temperatures are 29ºC temperature some 5 tails. While the fish with a phase of non-gravid more spread at normal temperature, at a temperature of 23ºC found only one tail and then as many as 4 heads, 3 heads and one tails successively occupy temperature 24ºC, 25ºC, and 26ºC, above these temperatures suda not found fish with non-gravid phase. While the fish with the phase gravid just spread at warmer temperatures are straight-turu in suhu25ºC, 25ºC, 26ºC, 27ºC, 28ºC, 29ºC and 30ºC as 1, 2 tails, 1 head, 3 heads, one head and two tails. While at temperature of 31ºC no one of all gatul fish’s phase was found. Preferendum for 10 Minutes in acclimation 30ºC for 10 minutes preferendum results indicate the specific conditions of each Fasse. Juvenile phase more clusters at colder temperatures, namely at a temperature of 21ºC 90% or as much as 9 tails and at a temperature of 22 ºC there is only one phase of juvenile fish. While at normal temperatures dominated by non-gravid phase occupying the compartment with a temperature of 24ºC, 25ºC, 26ºC, 27ºC and 28ºC by the number of fish that are found in a row as much as 2 heads, 3 heads, 3 heads, two tails and one tail. At warmer temperatures between 27ºC to 30ºC occupied by fish gravid phase in which one tail at a temperature of 27ºC, 4 heads at 28ºC, two tails at 29ºC at 30ºC can be found 3 phase gravid fish. While at a temperature of 31ºC did not reveal any presence of fish.Preferendum for 15 Minutes during the 15-minute treatment with the fish preferendum treatment over 30ºC indicates a certain temperature specifications in each phase gatul fish.
At colder temperatures juvenile phase
dominates at 21ºC temperature of 7 animals and 2 tails the other is at a
temperature of 22ºC. While at normal room temperature is 25ºC, 26ºC, and 27ºC
respectively are 4 heads, 4 heads and one tails that are exclusively fish gatul
on non-gravid phase. Fish with more gravid phase gathered at a temperature of
28ºC 2 tails, at a temperature of 29ºC for 3 tails and at 30ºC found a number
of phases 5 gatul gravid fish, while at a temperature above that temperature is
31ºC there is no single fish.
In this acclimation temperature has seen the highest number of fish are at ambient temperatures of 27 ° C - 30 ° C. In accordance with aklimasinya high temperature is expected most of the fish from the treatment acclimation in hot temperatures (30 ° C) when it is released in the medium (compartment with the environment created) will swim towards temperatures similar to those previously acclimation.
In this acclimation temperature has seen the highest number of fish are at ambient temperatures of 27 ° C - 30 ° C. In accordance with aklimasinya high temperature is expected most of the fish from the treatment acclimation in hot temperatures (30 ° C) when it is released in the medium (compartment with the environment created) will swim towards temperatures similar to those previously acclimation.
the 5th minute look compartment 7 is still a lively station frequented by fish
gatul, with a temperature of 27.5 ° C. there is still headed toward the cold
temperatures (compartment 1 and 2), but not as much as visiting the compartment
6. In this case the physiological control processes gatul fish begins.In the
10th minute, the fish that were in the compartment first move to other
compartments, namely compartment 7. However, the average number of fish that
were there outnumbered by existing in the compartment 6. This is because the
temperature in the compartment 6 is considered safe for fish gatul to survive.
As Muñoz et al. (2012) that usually organisms that are in a hot environment is
potentially less fecundity. Fecundity alone is an ability of any organism to be
able to produce children (breed).
the end, it appears the fish have spread more evenly, especially in compartment
5 and 8 with a temperature of 25 ° C and 32.5 ° C. There are a small part Padda
compartment 1 and compartment 4.To put it simply that over time these
observations, the fish perform a process of adaptation to the environment
temperature. This adaptation process includes physiological processes and
behavior that prefer to live in areas that have a relatively moderate
temperature (not hot or cold). Where hot and cold is also an upper limit and a
lower limit of a tolerance that gatul fish.
the results in the 15th minute was more assured that the fish chose to dwell in temperate environments, because of their upper and
lower limits of factors previously discussed. Then, the longer
it goes, the more evenly spread of fish as well, seen from the diagram that has been made that
this gatul fish
distibusi spread to various compartments.
1. Provision acclimatization treatment (the
temperature limitations) in fish Poecilia
sp.berpengaruh against the spread of fish behavior.
2. Conditions preferendumnya
temperature of Poecilia sp. Having an
optimum temperature in the range of 25-27 ° C.
3. The effect of acclimatization of the fish Poecilia sp. Preferendum effect on the
fish, the time preferendum also affect the results of experiments that have
been tested.
4. Juvenille fish is the largest in thermoregulation
5. Gravid fish is the shortest in thermoregulation range
6. Almostly, fish like low
themperacture because have been aclimation in low therm 20 oC.
- For laboratories, should provide tools and materials lab even more, so the lab can take place smoothly.
- Reader is expected can keep the environment, especially animals on the ground
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