Endodermic and exothermic organisms

The fundamental difference of endodermic and esxothermic organisms is the ability of the organism to regulate and maintain its body temperature. Ectodermic is an organism that can not maintain a constant body temperature and always needs heat around to regulate their body heat. Therefore, ectodermic activity is strongly influenced by changes in ambient temperature. For example, many reptiles get hot with the sun in the sun and while cooling their bodies to move to a shelter, if necessary. 

Endothermic is an animal that can maintain a fairly constant body temperature under various ambient temperatures from intense desert heat to the Arctic cold. This constant temperature range allows the endothermic to survive in a very wide geographical and ecological area of ​​the earth. All mammals and birds are endothermic, and they require energy to the production process of heating and cooling. Especially they get this energy with the digestion of the food they eat. Their body temperature is mainly controlled by metabolic processes as well as adaptive mechanisms that control heat exchange rates with the environment, such as sweating and isolation, panting, lowering blood pressure to extremities, hibernating, digging, nocturnal habits or migration and decreasing or increasing the ratio of ' Surface with volume '. 


  1. Nice. sudah ada gambar yang semakin membuat pembaca mengerti dan lebih paham. Bahasan tentang ektotermik dan endodermik animal dijelaskan dengan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti. tetapi lebih baik dihubungkan dengan sifat poikiloterm dan homoioterm pada binatang, karena keduanya saling berhubungan.

  2. Bagus untuk materi ini, terimakasih ruri telah memberikan materi yang dipaparkan

  3. Saya suka, banyak gambarnya. jadi tidak membosankan

  4. Terimakasih atas informasinya tentang endotermik dan ektotermik, namun apa bedanya dengan poikiloterm dan homoiterm ?

  5. endotermik sama hommoioterm itu beda ya ?


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