Ecological Hierarchy

Ecological Hierarchy
  1. Ecology Organismal
Organismal ecology that includes the subdisciplines of ecology of physiology, evolutionary ecology, and behavioral ecology, studies how structures, physiology, and (for animals) behavior of organisms meet the challenges of the environment.
Example: How to regulate the body temperature of lizards in habitats with different heights?
  1. Ecology population
The population is an individual group of the same species living in a region. Population ecology analyzes factors affecting population size and how and why populations change over time.
Example: Why does the Sumatran Tiger population continue to decline over time? 

  1. Ecology Community
The community is a population group of a number of different species in a region. Community ecology examines how intercountry interactions, such as predation and competition, affect community structures and organizations.
Example: What abiotic factors affect the diversity of plants in the Bromo-Tengger-Semeru Mountains?
  1. Ecology Ecosystem
An ecosystem is a community of organisms in an area along with physical factors that interact with these organisms. Ecosystem ecology emphasizes the flow of energy and chemical cycles between organisms and the environment.
Example: What factors control the availability of groundwater in tropical rainforest ecosystems?
  1. Ecology Span natural
The landscape is a mosaic of interconnected ecosystems. Research in landscape ecology focuses on the factors that control the exchange of energy, materials, and organisms in various ecosystems.
  1. global Ecology
The biosphere is the total global ecosystem of all the ecosystems and landscapes on the planet. Global ecology examines how regional and energy-based interactions affect the functioning and distribution of organisms throughout the biosphere.


  1. perhatikan penggunaan gambar. sesuaikan dengan tema yang dibahas

  2. sudah bagus, akan tetapi lebih baik jika penataan gambar lebih diperhatikan dan juga ditambahkan beberapa sumber refrensi.. semangat..

  3. Saya tau anda suka dengan gambar macan wkwk
    tapi penggunaan gambar harus disesuaikan dengan tema yang dibahas

  4. good job rur, kenapa tidak penjelasan tidak dilengkapi gambar?


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